SAT. 16.Jun 14:30
Director: 江薇玲 Wei Ling Jiang
2016 │ TAIWAN │ Documentary │ OmEU │ 50min│
23th Women Make Waves Film Festival 入圍第23屆台灣國際女性影展
Before the Han people immigrated to Taiwan in the 17th century, there had been indigenous residents living in Taiwan for around 8,000 years. Currently, there are 16 major groups recognized officially. In fact, all the tribes in the main island of Taiwan originate from Austronesian peoples the Yami people, also known as Tao people, in Orchid Island, an outlying island of Taiwan, are considered more related to the Batan Archipelago in the Philippines.
“My Uncle’s TATALA” is nominated in the 23th Women Make Waves Film Festival. It takes the director, Jiang Wei-Ling, 8 years to film her uncle and the film is edited into a 55-minute documentary, which records the process of making a TATALA, which is the pronunciation of laminated boat in the Tao people’s language. Building a TATALA is an important practice to the pubertal boy in their culture. In the past, a Tao grows up with a tree he plants when he was young. Once turning into an adult, he cuts the tree and makes it into a TATALA.
The diversity of the ethnic groups results in the cultural uniqueness of Taiwan. Despite the fact that a lot of traditional customs and ceremonies has gradually declined in presence due to globalization and the unavoidable youth migration, there are still documentaries keeping telling stories of their hometowns. My Uncle’s TATALA shows the beauty of Orchid Island and the lives of the Tao people.