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The Receptionist​​​    接線員


SAT. 19.MAY 14:30  

Director: Jenny Lu

2016 │ TAIWAN │ DCP │ OmEU │ 102min │



Taiwan National Best Screenplay Award   劇本榮獲台灣電影優良劇本優等獎
Winner of Emerging Director, Narrative Fiction in AAIFF, New York 紐約亞美影展新銳導演



According to “The international migration report 2017” published by United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, there are 258 million immigrants worldwide currently. Eurostat indicates that since the number of births and deaths has been basically equal, the increasing population of European Union mostly comes from immigrants. The population of Germany, strikingly, has reached to 82.8 million as the fast-growing population within the EU. France and Britain are close behind with 67million and 65.8 million respectively.


In the context of globalization, the distance between various countries has been gradually diminished by the worldwide transportation. People with diverse background could explore the rest of the world with or without propose. For example, what kind of the experience the travelers expect, or what prospects oversea students have themselves during the studies.


The Receptionist tells the story that Tina (Teresa Daley), a Taiwanese graduate living in London who struggling to find a job during the Economic Crisis, takes a job as a receptionist at an illegal erotic massage parlor. However, comparing to the fellow workers, she sees herself as independent and upright. With the new Chinese girl Anna (Shuang Teng) joining the team, brings out the conflicts that are frequently caused by money issues. At the end of the film, characters will have their own answer and decisions for all these affairs.






★ 英國金獎團隊傾力製作★ 金馬國際影展首映口碑沸騰★ 金鐘獎最佳女配角紀培慧,金馬獎影后陳湘琪領銜主演★ 電影中文宣傳曲【真實世界】由小球(莊鵑瑛)演唱




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